Bowen Therapy
Bowen therapy is a non-invasive therapy which targets certain points on the body with gentle rolling movements to help it balance, repair and reset itself. These specific moves across muscles create energy surges (chi) and the body is then is re-aligned and rebalanced. Bowen therapy has helped improve circulation, venous and lymphatic drainage.
The body reprograms itself and restores optimum health. It also re-patterns energy fields to address physical, mental and emotional issues, breaking down a protective wall of hyper-tense musculature.
Bowen Therapy is a unique form of neuromuscular re-patterning. It is also renowned for its effectiveness with internal conditions and rehabilitation time improvement.
A new and healthy concept in bodywork
Misalignments commonly right themselves – yet there is no manipulation of joints or bones as in chiropractic work.
Muscle tensions and strains are relieved and normal lymphatic flow is restored – yet muscles are not squeezed as in massage.
Energy meridians show immediate improvements – yet the work is not based on meridians and does not resemble acupuncture or acupressure.
Internal psychological shifts are common – yet it is not necessary to evoke emotional response as in mind-body therapies.
Bowen Treatment - What happens during a session?
Between procedures, it is fundamental to allow the body to rest for a few minutes. This initiates the process of repair and is important. The length of the breaks will vary from client to client and with different procedures, but on average i will leave clients for around two minutes in between each set of moves.
The breaks are probably one of the least understood parts of Bowen and yet it is during the breaks that the work starts to take effect and changes are implemented. The most fundamental principle of Bowen is that it is the client that is doing the work, not the therapist, and for this to happen the body needs these important breaks to absorb the information and set in motion the healing.
What can we resolve?
Upper back pain
lower back pain
Neck pain
Tennis/Golfers Elbow
Repetitive strain injury
Sport injuries
Frozen Shoulder
Tight and overused muscles